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Understanding the Benefit of Trauma Center Triage for Injured Older Adults.

Mucio Kit Delgado, MD, MS

R03-AG052117, Sponsor: NIH/NIA-R03.

Major Goals: To examine the benefit of triage to a trauma center for injured older adults, whether this benefit is heterogeneous according to clinical characteristics, and whether differences in survival following complications explain why trauma center care has not been as beneficial for older adults as it has been for younger adults.

Twitter and Cardiovascular Health.

Raina M Merchant, MD MSHP FAHA

NIH R01HL122457 (Merchant)

Major Goals: We propose to study the conversation on Twitter about several CV-related diseases. We propose to mine Twitter with the goal of understanding how these data can be used to: predict CV epidemiology, disseminate high impact CV health messages, and engage and communicate with a population of patients with CV disease. The overarching goals of this proposal are to understand the uses and limitations of this communication channel.

Patient Narratives for Enhancing Risk Communication around Pain Relief in Acute Care Settings.

Zachary F Meisel, MD, MPH, MSHP

PCORI Pilot, Sponsor: Penn Center for Therapeutic Effectiveness Research.

Major Goals: The objective is the explore the role that engaged patients can play in minimizing the risk of opioid misuse while achieving adequate pain relief for two painful, but usually self-limited, acute conditions: kidney stones and acute low back pain.

SPARROw: Studying the PhilAdelphia Resilience Project to Reduce Overdose

Eugenia Catarina South, M.D., M.S.P.H., Zachary F Meisel, MD, MPH, MSHP


Major Goals: To evaluate the effectiveness and implementation of two City of Philadelphia Resilience Project programs to reduce opioid overdose: (1) the Alternative Response Unit (ARU) that accompanies ambulances responding to overdoses and aims to deliver harm reduction and care linkage to people who refuse hospital transport, and (2) blight remediation of abandoned buildings and land.

Addressing Socioeconomic Health Disparities Through Chronic Stress Reduction: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Blight Remediation.

Eugenia Catarina South, M.D., M.S.P.H.

Sponsor: Penn SOM.

Vacant and abandoned blighted spaces are a ubiquitous neighborhood environmental problem encountered by millions of city dwellers on a daily basis. Urban blight is associated with a variety of poor health indicators, including violent crime, cardiovascular disease, sexually transmitted diseases, and stress. The experience of stress from the conditions of one’s neighborhood may contribute to persistent socioeconomic-based health disparities. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of a blight removal strategy, specifically abandoned house remediation, on biologically measured and self-reported chronic stress.

The Life STORRIED Study: Life Stories for Opioid Risk Reduction in the ED.

Zachary F Meisel, MD, MPH, MSHP

CDR-1511-33496, Sponsor: PCORI.

Major Goals: The objective is the explore the role that engaged patients can play in minimizing the risk of opioid misuse while achieving adequate pain relief for two painful, but usually self-limited, acute conditions: kidney stones and acute low back pain.

Narratives to Promote Provider Adoption Of Evidence Related to Psychotropic Use for High-Risk Youth.

Zachary F Meisel, MD, MPH, MSHP

183171, Sponsor: WT Grant FDN.

Major Goals: A mixed methods randomized trial to develop and test multiple messaging strategies, including narrative communication, to support knowledge transfer of evidence based guidelines related to treatment of behavioral disorders to providers who care for disadvantaged youth in the State of Pennsylvania. A specific goal of this project is to improve the adoption of evidence related to use of certain psychotropic medications to children with behavioral disorders.

Health Economics of Substance Abuse and HCV/HIV Treatment in the Era of Integrated Healthcare.

Zachary F Meisel, MD, MPH, MSHP

P30-DA040500, Sponsor: NIH/NIDA (Cornell).

Major Goals: To develop and disseminate economic evidence that informs substance use treatment policy and HCV and HIV care of substance users, and to increase the impact of this research by addressing the needs of integrated health system providers and payers.

PATH: Practical Alternative to Hospitalization Randomized Clinical Trial

Austin Kilaru, MD, MSHP

Sponsor: Independence Blue Cross Innovation Award

A randomized clinical trial to compare the effectiveness of enhanced outpatient services following discharge from the emergency department to short-stay hospital care. For more details:

An Exploration of Pharmacy-Level Barriers & Facilitators to Buprenorphine Access

Shoshana Aronowitz, PhD, FNP-BC and Daniel Ventricelli, MPH, PharmD

National Clinician Scholars Program Eisenberg Grant

Major goals: To assess the barriers and facilitators to buprenorphine dispensing from the perspective of pharmacists, and to explore the buprenorphine-related pharmacy experiences of individuals with OUD who pick up their buprenorphine prescriptions at community-based pharmacies.

Reducing Risky Drinking Using Smartphone Paired Breathalyzers: A Validation Study.

Mucio Kit Delgado, MD, MS

Pilot Award, Sponsor: Penn Injury Science Center.

Major Goals: To validate the test accuracy of three commercially available smartphone-paired breathalyzers against a police grade handheld breathalyzer for measuring Breath Alcohol Content.

The Relationship Between the Neighborhood Environment, Stress Reactivity and Aggressive Behavior in a Pediatric Population: Healthy Brains and Behavior.

Eugenia Catarina South, M.D., M.S.P.H.

This is a secondary data analysis of the Healthy Brain and Behaviors study, a four-year RCT which tested the effect of nutritional supplement and cognitive behavioral therapy on childhood aggression. This study merges several existing datasets to explore the relationship between the physical and social environment and biologic stress reactivity and aggressive behavior in a pediatric population.

Elucidating College Student, Administrator, and Healthcare Provider Perspectives for the Design of a Novel mHealth Behavioral Economic Intervention to Reduce Binge Drinking.

Mucio Kit Delgado, MD, MS


Major Goals: To conduct the formative research needed to guide the design of a mobile health intervention that leverages insights from behavioral economics for reducing binge drinking among college students.


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