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The Impact of Home Repairs on Neighborhood Crime
Gina South, MD led a cross-sectional study to understand how repairing houses in Philadelphia neighborhoods impacted crime rates. The...
Philadelphia's Gun Violence Emergency
Gina South, MD and Anish Agarwal, MD wrote about the alarming increase in gun violence Philadelphia has seen in 2021. As ED physicians,...
Racial Disparities in Opioid Prescribing in Large RCT
Former Medical Student Fellow Eden Engel-Rebitzer led a secondary analysis of data from the Life STORRIED study to understand the role of...
Gina South, MD On Why We Must Invest In Black Neighborhoods
Gina South, MD was recently featured in the Washington Post's series "Reimagine Safety". She shared her experience as an emergency...
Eden Engel-Rebitzer Wins Medical Student Paper Prize
Medical Student Fellow Eden Engel-Rebitzer won the 2021 Medical Student Research Paper Prize at the University of Pennsylvania. Eden was...
COVID-19 Pandemic May Have Exacerbated Disparities in Overdose Deaths
Utsha Khatri, MD was recently featured in WHYY's article examining the concerning increase in overdose death among Black Philadelphians...
Methadone Clinics, Policing, and the Role of Nurses
Shoshi Aronowitz, PhD, CRNP reflects on the ways that the current methadone system asks nurses to police the behavior of their patients....
New PCORI Grant Awarded to COVID Watch Team
Kit Delgado, MD is part of the COVID Watch team that was recently awared a $2.5 million grant from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research...
COVID-19 and Racial Disparities
Student Fellow Max Jordan Nguemeni Tiako, MS reflects on the racial disparities present in COVID-19 infection and mortality rates in his...
Racial Disparities in Treatment Following Nonfatal Overdose
In a study looking at claims data, CECPR researchers found that following a nonfatal opioid overdose, the majority of individuals did not...
Racial Bias Leads to Underprescribing of Opioids for Black Patients
Utsha Khatri, MD and Shoshi Aronowitz, PhD, CRNP discussed their recent piece in The Philadelphia Inquirer on WBUR's Here and Now...
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